Saturday, May 28, 2011


Physical security failures help mechanical engineers to design better locks.

Computer security failures help programmers learn to design better programs.

Production failures help manufacturing engineers to design better processes.

Medical failures help doctors to design better surgical procedures.

Bridge failures help structural engineers to design better bridges.

Airplane failures help aviation engineers to design better airplanes.

Car failures help automotive engineers to design better cars.

Sports failures help coaches to design better plays.

And so on.

Spiritual failures help people to see why they need Jesus. Because while we can do a bunch of stuff "on our own" to make things better, we have no power on our own to be the children God wants us to be, no matter how hard we try.

Thanks, Jesus.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

In Praise Of Christ The King

I was at a food packing event this morning at the Salvation Army downtown in San Diego, hosted by Friends and Family Community Connection ( Very cool. During the orientation, I picked up a magazine from a table that was open to a page with this text:

In Praise Of Christ The King

How fearsome and far
The universe runs!
Who counts every star?
Who numbers new suns?
But Christ is the king
Of unthinkable space;
So stand up and sing
Of his goodness and grace.

The last and the least
Our Jesus calls best,
Proclaiming the feast
His Father has blessed.
To ruin and shame him
They nail him up high,
But now we acclaim him
For daring to die.

That sorrow is past:
Let wrong do its worst.
He'll reign at the last
Who ruled at the first --
The Lord of all years
That are coming to birth,
As laughter and tears
Grow together on earth.

Then go, sister, go,
And pray, brother, pray:
Let everyone know
The Christ of today.
His truth sets us free:
(How the story rings true!)
He conquered for me;
And He's calling for you.

-- John Coutts

'nuff said.