Thursday, November 27, 2008

What's A Christian?

The word "Christian" appears to have lost a lot of significance over the years and is used by people who don't really believe in or trust in Jesus Christ, but consider themselves to be Christian anyway just because they go to church or live in a "Christian" country.

Let's set the record straight.

Going to church does not make someone a Christian. Giving money to a church does not make someone a Christian. Being a "good person" does not make someone a Christian. Serving others does not make someone a Christian. Following a fixed set of rules for moral behavior does not make someone a Christian. Having Christian family members does not make someone a Christian.

A Christian is someone who has repented of his or her sins, has truly put their faith in Jesus Christ alone, and has been born-again by God.

If someone has truly repented, has put their faith in Jesus Christ alone, and has been born-again by God, they will bear good fruit. That good fruit includes going to church, giving money to support their local church, being a "good person", serving others, living a moral lifestyle, and so on. These are the things that come from being a Christian, not the things that make one a Christian.