Saturday, July 25, 2009

Attacking God's Word

You know one way Satan tries to separate man from God and keep him there? By getting right between the word of God and man. When we've got God's word wrong, we just ain't right, and Satan likes it that way.

So how does it do it? I think a few ways:

1) He tries to get man to disbelieve it. That's right, if we don't believe what the Bible says, we're sunk. "There is no God, that's just all made up." "Jesus isn't the only way to be saved, I have my way, you have your way, he has his way, and she has his way; we're all good." "I'm not a sinner, I don't need Jesus." "I'll get to heaven by doing good works and making myself right with God." All these come from the mouths of people who deny the truth of the word, and anyone espousing these beliefs is in great trouble . They need to come to know the light and the love of Jesus Christ, which is written of in the very word that they deny.

2) He tries to get us to neglect it. So maybe we know Jesus came to seek and save what was lost and we've said the "sinner's prayer" and we go to church most of the time and we tell people about the Lord once in a while. We're good, yeah? Maybe. For now. But if we don't get into God's word regularly, we're going to be in deep trouble. How can we put on the full armor of God if we don't know where the armory is? How can we test things against scripture if we don't know scripture? How can God's word get into us if we don't get into his word? Letting the Bible sit dusty on the shelf isn't going to help us when the temptations come, when trouble comes, when we have doubts, when we have fears, when we don't know which way to go. God gave us a wonderful book, a manual for life. Its on us to open it up and read it.

3) He tries to twist it. "Oh, that's not what such and such means...abortion really isn't wrong." "Oh, that's not what this and that really can have sex with each other as long as they really love each other and our committed to each other." "Oh, that's not what scripture is talking about...Jesus died so that everybody could go to heaven whether they believe in him or not." What I really want to know is this: Do people who twist scripture like this really believe the snake oil they're selling? Or do they know deep down that they're just making up a bunch of crap and feeding it to people? I'll venture a guess and say its the latter.

What do those few ways produce?

Non-Christians, apathetic Christians, and fake Christians. Are the last two any better than the first? I think worse.

You need to get God's word into you more. I need to get God's word into me more. Period.

Grace and Peace