Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Average American Christian

I just read something that blew my mind, and not in a good way. "The average Christian in the United States spends ten minutes per day with God; meanwhile, the average American spends over four hours a day watching television."

That's sad. I have some questions for the "average American Christian" mentioned above:

- Do you wonder why you feel so far away from God?

- Do you feel your prayers never get answered or even heard?

- Do you lose the struggle against this sin or that one time and time again?

- Do you want desperately to know what true joy actually feels like?

If the initial statement is true about the "average American Christian" then I expect a lot of "yes" answers from the one that fits the bill. The reason for that is simple, the "average American Christian" serves a different god. Television, maybe, or one of a million hobbies that could take its place. But really its more simple than that; the false god here is "self".

So let's not waste so much of our time with things of this world that just don't matter in the end! Let's keep our hearts and our minds focused on, and centered around, Christ! Immersing ourselves in the things of the Lord is far better than indulging ourselves in the things of the world!

Grace and Peace