Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get Off The Evolutionary Fence

In Genesis 1, the Bible has recorded the account of creation. There are those who claim to not believe in God and say that the universe came from nothing, life came from non-life, and we evolved from very simple organisms into the menagerie of plants and animals we see today. Really I think that's a load of hogwash that's not supported by the evidence, and that it takes more faith to believe it than to believe the simple Biblical account. The simplest logical pieces of evidence are the appearance of diverse life suddenly in the fossil record, no record of transitional lifeforms, and the problem of irreducible complexity (i.e. certain cells cannot possibly have evolved from something simpler because there is no way they would be able to function).

The fact that the universe and life were created seems pretty straightforward to me as a believer. It also seems that those non-believers who hold to a evolution really don't have a leg to stand on and just don't want to admit a world exists where there is a greater power than them -- I'd wager because that means accountability to that greater power.

But there is another, more puzzling, camp. Those believers who want to compromise with the evolutionary scientists. "Maybe God used evolution to bring life to this earth." I thought this myself a long time ago before I actually came to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ -- in a time when I claimed to believe in God, but i didn't really know him at all. Let's get this straight. there is NO compromise. We're here via creation by God Almighty or we're here through evolution, period.


Well first of all there is the problem of sin and death. If we evolved from something simpler over a huge amount of time, there would be all kinds of death going on in the perfect world God created over millions of years. Now if there was no death until sin entered the world and corrupted creation, and sin didn't enter the world until the fall of man, we've got a big problem on our hands.

But there's an even bigger problem for the one trying to accommodate both creation and evolution. The Bible teaches we have an immortal soul, making us unique, special creations of God. I like the way C.S. Lewis put it actually -- "You don't have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." And the body is just a tent we have for now. It will get old. It will die. We will live on. Those in Christ will be like him in the age to come.

Even if you could evolve from simple life into more and more complex life in the physical sense, you can't evolve from a creature with no soul to one with a soul. We must choose a side -- you can't have it both ways. To accommodate evolution denies the truth of scripture. To believe the Bible demands a rejection of evolutionary theory. Period.

Know that we are more than physical beings. More than really smart animals. We are first and foremost spiritual beings, with a deep longing inside to be reconnected with our creator, and that reconnection only comes through knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grace and Peace