Monday, September 29, 2008

Road To Life

Props to Pastor Harry from CRB. I'm lifting some ideas from his message last weekend here; like I said before, I'm not that creative.

The road we choose to travel on determines where we end up. Every day we make choices about what road we're going to travel on. We can choose the broad road that leads to destruction or the narrow road that leads to life.

The choice seems pretty easy doesn't it?

But how do we know what road we're on? Sometimes the signs aren't marked so well. Sometimes we think we're lost and we're not. Sometimes we think we're not lost and we are. Sometimes there's a bunch of fog in the way and we can't see where we're going. Sometimes there's crazy turns, idiot drivers, and bad weather, all at once. Traveling sucks.

You know what we need? We need a really great navigation system.

We need a system that can see our entire destination from start to finish. We need a system that can give us accurate directions on where to go, even if we can't see how those directions make sense sometimes. We need a system that will still help us try go get to the correct destination -- even when we mess up, think we're smarter than the system, and try to take shortcuts.

You know what? We have one of those! God's a really great navigation system. A long time ago, He wrote down 10 important directions to follow, in stone -- and if we slow down enough and pay attention, we can hear our navigation system telling us when we're not listening to His directions well enough and are headed off the road into trouble.

Thanks, God.