Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stand Up For Jesus

First I have to throw out some lyrics from the Newsboys:


Living for Jesus is the way I will go
I’ll follow Him always, don’t care what men say
I’ve been on both sides and I know where I’ll stay
The light He has shown me will not fade away

Stand up, stand up, stand up for Jesus
Oh can’t you hear me, He’s the way
Stand up, stand up, stand up for Jesus
Oh can’t you hear me, He’s the way

Where are you standing if you were to fall
Religion won’t help you if He calls on you now
Stand up and be counted say I’m for the Lord
Don’t keep so quiet, go forth and be bold


I think that song is just great. I was listening to Duncan again today and paid some attention when he was talking about preaching the gospel and being the light. Matthew 5:14-15 for example: "You are the world's light; it is impossible to hide a town built on top of a hill. Men do not light a lamp and put it under a bucket. They put it on a lampstand, and it gives light for everybody in the house."

The above song came to mind as he was talking.

Later in the day, something else came to mind. There was another Trinity in Trinity's kindergarten class last year. I remember ONE thing that she ever did on work I saw all year long. It was an assignment to write about yourself to the class (I think), and her sentences started something like "My name is Trinity. I'm a Christian. And...".

We sure can learn a lot from kids. This 5 year old girl stood up proudly for Jesus. If she can do it, so can anyone else. I pray that I don't dim or hide my light.