Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Abortion Is Murder, Period

A fellow employee posted this at work in response to a thread where folks were discussing that they agree abortion is wrong but don't feel they should tell a woman what she should do with her body. He is dead on.

Everyone has a choice, it is called abstinence. Once you choose to get it on with someone your choices have gone out the window, and you need to take responsibility for your "CHOICE". Abortion is murder, plain and simple and every action has a consequence which in the case of sexual activity is possibility of pregnancy. People try to rationalize the idea that it is about a woman's choice for her body, if she really cared that much she would have waited until marriage to become active in the first place, because that is the way it is supposed to be done. We have just been dumbed down as a society to accept the fact that sex with anyone is an accepted and encouraged thing. That is giving into our lustful human nature, nothing more. Sex isn't solely for enjoyment it is much more than that and any woman or man who has been cheated on can attest to that fact as it as been described as "ripping someones heart out". God is the one who knits us together in our mother's womb and he chooses when that womb will open or be shut up. Just because someone doesn't believe they are doing something wrong doesn't mean it isn't. There are organizations that were founded to educate women who are considering or have had abortions to hear stories of others who have already done it and how it really makes you feel inside and the struggles that occur afterwords. Also there is a natural version called a miscarriage and I've heard that isn't very pleasant for the mother either. If life doesn't start at conception why do they warn mothers about the use of alcohol/cigarettes on how it could affect a development process of a fetus and what could happen to the eventual baby?

I agree with the statement that every baby that is conceived will eventually develop into a person barring a miscarriage, so by that definition life starts at conception and just because we can't fight for ourselves at that stage or any other doesn't mean we aren't alive then. Lets apply that logic that it isn't murder to a current situation. Steve McNair couldn't defend himself while sleeping on the couch when he was shot in the head and chest 4 times, so he must not have been alive. Does that sound right to anyone?

The whole "don't tell me what to do with MY body" argument is stupid. We're talking about not just one body, not just one person, but two. When one person willfully kills another innocent and defenseless person, its murder. Period. It's against God's law. It should be against man's law, but, sadly, yet expectedly, it's not.

Grace and Peace


Sal Cartusciello said...

Amen! Hope you are all doing well.

Snow2112 said...

Thanks brother! Everything's great on the western front. :-) How are you all doing?