Saturday, August 20, 2011

Which Jesus Do You Follow?

If you claim to follow Jesus, which Jesus do you follow?

- Do you follow a Jesus who was just a good moral teacher and example to us?

- Do you follow a Jesus who was just a prophet?

- Do you follow a Jesus who was just in tune with some "divine consciousness"?

- Do you follow a Jesus who is an created angel or other spirit?

- Do you follow a Jesus who's death on the cross was not sufficient to pay the price for your sin?

- Do you follow a Jesus who is just one option out of many to get to heaven?

Or do you follow a Jesus who is God made flesh? A Jesus who died on a cross for the sins of the world? A Jesus who rose again? A Jesus who is coming back to judge the world? A Jesus who provided the only way to be right with God?

Why does this matter? Because sin is the problem, and the proper penalty needed to be paid for it. If Jesus is not God, then would his death been sufficient to pay the price for sin? No! You can't pay an infinite penalty as a finite being.

It's as simple as this -- Jesus had to be God to pay our debt, and Jesus had to be man to die. If your Jesus is not God, or if your Jesus didn't need to die for us to be saved, or if your Jesus' death was not enough for us to be saved, you've got the wrong Jesus. You need to get to know the Biblical Jesus, turn away from whatever religious system or set of beliefs is blocking you from him, and ask him to put a new heart in you.

It's not about religion, it's about a relationship with God.