Friday, January 2, 2009


As I write this I'm watching Journey To The Edge Of The Universe on the National Geographic channel. Its an interesting virtual trip from earth to way out in the universe somewhere (we're just at Mars right now).

I'm a bit annoyed at this narrator, or more accurately, the folks who wrote the crap that the narrator is saying.

Mars could be our ancestral home! We could all be martians! No, this organic material on a comet that crashed into a young earth could have brought life to it! And, wait, we in our spacecraft could be carrying the virus of life to distant worlds right now on this journey!


The guys on these shows toss around evolution and exogensis like they are proven and undisputable scientific facts. There can't be intelligent design, but there also can't be life on earth from non-life, so therefore we must have come from somewhere else in the universe. Aliens. Comets. Flying monkeys. Oh wait, let's not bother to address where THAT life came from!

I am not a martian.

I am not evolved from animals.

I am not the product of a virus.

I am a special creation of God, made in His image, and His child.

Yes, there is extra-terrestrial life out there that was responsible for creating life on earth. I'm not talking about little green men here, but rather our awesome creator who created the heavens and stretched them out.

Thank you Father, God, for creation. Thank you for my existence. Thank you for letting me know where we came from and how special of a creation we are to you. Thank you for giving us the gift of choice. Thank you for your redemptive plan that deals with the poor choices we all make with that gift. Thank you for coming to Earth in the flesh to die for our sins. Thank you for drawing me to you so and opening my eyes and heart to receive Christ by faith. Thank you for adopting me into your family.